USNMC Fundraising
In order to reach its goals, as a non-profit entity and AKC parent club, the USNMC needs volunteers most of all to do the work of the club. Fortunately the club has a group of hard-working members!
The USNMC also needs money! Members pay a (relatively nominal) membership fee annually which nearly covers the expenses of maintaining the membership roles.
But the USNMC must also:
• Maintain a website
• Build and print educational materials both printed and electronic
• Support educational events such as:
• Seminars on the breed for judges
• Meet-the-breed events for public education
• Distribution of materials to other organizations
• Mailing materials / products to those who request it
• Necessary office supplies for secretarial, financial, and club management
• And more
We do regular fundraising. We have a small Fund-raising committee charged with finding, acquiring, creating, and marketing items to raise funds for the club.
The USNMC strives to be the best provider of totally unique collection of Neapolitan Mastiff “stuff.” This includes T-shirts, sweatshirts, tote-bags, books and more, all customized for our club, most of them limited edition. The club ways-n-means is available at the National Specialty for purchase, and is periodically offered on an on-line store through E-Bay (this is managed by the fundraising chairperson)
In addition to being a showcase for the breed and its fanciers, our National Specialty and other club-managed regional specialties provide a major forum for fundraising.
In addition to providing the Ways-N-Means collection for visual inspection and purchase, we do auctions and 50-50 raffles and we periodically raffle off one-of-a-kind collectible items (like quilts, collars, statues). ​

Donate to the
USNMC General Fund