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Become A Member

How To Join

You are cordially invited start your journey as a Member of the AKC parent club for the Neapolitan Mastiff.

The  United States Neapolitan Mastiff Club (USNMC) exists today due to the efforts of its current and past members. What a great way to support the Neapolitan, keep abreast of the latest in the Neo world and to take advantage of the opportunity to network with our great members throughout the entire United States!

Membership types and dues are as follows:


  • Full Membership Individual - one vote and the ability to hold office, Dues = $35.00;                    


  • Full Membership Family - two persons of the same household each having one vote and the ability to hold office (not concurrently), Dues = $50.00


  • Junior Membership -offered to those between the ages of 10 and 17 years of age, Dues = $35.00;   


  • Associate -  must be a resident of the US, entitles you to a copy of our club magazine only, Dues = $35.00;


  • International Associate Membership - must reside anywhere other than the US, entitles you to a copy of or club magazine only, Dues = $60.00


  • Honorary Membership - offered to honor a person for his/her outstanding service to the club or the Neapolitan Mastiff breed.  Honorees are not entitled to vote or eligible to be an officer or director of the club. 


A thorough description of each membership classification appears in the club bylaws.


In order to apply for full membership, you must have two club members, who are already Full Members, to act as sponsors for you.  The two sponsors must live in different households, must have known you for at least one year! This requirement serves as a mentoring period which keeps you in contact with other Neo people who can guide you on the road to Neapolitan ownership- both on the straight paths and through the detours.

You can see a list of our members by going to the Members List.

We encourage you to join the USNMC so that you can learn more about the Neapolitan Mastiff and represent your new ideas to our breed and to our parent club. Contact our membership chair or anyone on the Membership  committee


Processing Membership Applications

Mail your application form, along with your two (2) sponsor forms if applying for Full Individual/Family or one (1) sponsor form if applying for Associate address on the application or fax or email these documents to the Treasurer along with the membership fee. Payment can be made via check, money order or PayPal.

When payment has cleared, the Treasurer will notify the Secretary and the application will be processed for Board review.

The Secretary will enter the applicant(s) names, state, membership classification and sponsors names into the Board minutes to be read at the next Board Meeting and the Membership Chair will contact the applicant to let them know where their application is in the process and to answer any questions.

After the reading of the applicants name(s) at the board meeting, the applicants name(s) will be published to the entire club membership for member review for a minimum of 2 weeks, at which time the membership can submit feedback to the board.

Two weeks after publication to the membership, the applicant(s) name will be read to the board members for a second time and a vote on the applicant(s) will take place via a secret emailed ballot as required by the bylaws and the AKC.  When the vote is complete, the Board will forward the results to the Membership Chair who then sends a Welcome Packet.


Membership Renewal

In December of each year, a renewal notice is mailed to all Members.  All Members (no matter when they initially joined) are  to renew by January 31st  although there is a 30-day “grace" period.  So renewal fee will be accepted until March 2nd  (or March 1st in Leap Years.)  

A membership is considered Lapsed and thus is automatically terminated if such member’s dues remain unpaid thirty (30) days after the 31st day of January of each year.

Lapsed Members may apply to the board for re-instatement by using the Lapsed Membership Form.

Be sure to submit your application with your payment!

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